
Online International Conference:
Legal and Economic Prespectives
of Energy Cooperatives' Development

27th May 2021

Prof. Dr. Aneta Suchon
Chair of the Organizing Committee Aneta Suchon, Professor UAM dr hab., works in the Department of Agricultural, Food and Environmental Protection Law in the Faculty of Law and Administration of Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan (Poland). Her research interests focus on co-operatives in agriculture and rural areas, agricultural law, real estate law, the Common Agricultural Policy, and environmental protection. She has published more than 130 publications, and her most important books are: Prawna ochrona trwałości gospodarowania na dzierzawionych gruntach rolnych (Legal Protection of the Stability of Running an Activity on Leased Agricultural Lands), Poznan 2006; Prawna koncepcja spoldzielni rolniczych (The Legal Concept of Agricultural Co-operatives), Poznan 2016; Legal aspects of the organisation and operation of agricultural co-operatives in Poland, Poznan, 2019; Legal and economic aspects of association of agricultural producers in selected countries of the world, ed. Aneta Suchon, Poznan 2020.
PhD Candidate Tomasz Marzec
Vice Chairman of
the Organizing Committee Tomasz Marzec is a PhD Candidate in Doctoral School of Social Sciences (Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan). His research interests focus mainly on agricultural law, renewable energy sources development on rural areas, environmental law and energy law. Currently he works on the Phd thesis on energy cooperatives regulation in Poland.

Dr Justyna Gozdziewicz- Biechonska
Organizing Committee Member Dr. Justyna GOZDZIEWICZ-BIECHONSKA is Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Law and Administration, Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan in Poland. She holds a PhD in law. She is also an architect. Her research focuses on environmental law and legal studies regarding natural resources (particularly land and landscape), spatial planning and renewable energy. In her work she draws from her interdisciplinary education, academic and practical experience.
Dr Piotr Lisson
Organizing Committee Member